

The main objective

MIBEst project`s main goal is to strenghten the research capacity on latent and chronic infections of Institute of Technology at University of Tartu by creating long-lasting links with internationally-leading research institutions: Molecular Infection Medicine (MIMS) Sweden at Umea University, Sweden, and Basel Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland.

The expected outcome of the MIBEst Twinning project is establishing the integrated centre for molecular infection biology at University of Tartu Institute of Technology (TUIT) premises. TUIT has research groups with competence on persistent/latent infections. This competence can be further used for facilitating development of novel therapeutic approaches. Cooperation with Basel Biozentrum and MIMS enables TUIT to enhance its competences in animal models, visualisation techniques, high thougtput screening and through knowledge exchange, build lasting partnerships

As an outcome of MIBEst, Estonian scientists will have new knowledge in infection biology with particular focus on advancement in models for latent infections and high throughput screening for promising candidates for antiinfective compounds. As a result of the MIBEst we will be able to participate in early stages of drug development to fight persistent infections. Altogether, it enables development of new anti- infection strategies that will have major impact at the national, European and global scale.

tanel tenson
Tanel Tenson
Professor of Technology of Antimicrobial Compounds      
bjorn schroeder
Björn Schröder
Research Fellow in Molecular Microbiology
Dirk Bumann
Professor of Infection Biology
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