In order to reach the main objective of MIBEst, several specific objectives have to be met:

1. Ensuring sustainability and establishing cooperation framework

As a result of cooperation between TUIT and the Advisory Board an internal innovation and sustainability strategy (WP1) will be developed. The strategy will reflect TUIT research priorities, cooperation partners and funding sources to foster synergies between cohesion and research funding. The cooperation strategy will be aligned with the Estonian smart specialization strategy.

2. Setting-up and expanding long-lasting sustainable strategic partnerships  

Facilitating qualified researchers’ mobility between TUIT and well-recognised European infection biology research centres will upgrade the potential of Estonian researchers. This will be achieved between our current network of TUIT, MIMS, and BASEL as well as through collaboration with external strategic partners of the network. Collaboration with industry will be strengthened by establishing links with SMEs (University of Basel spin-offs) and larger pharmaceutical companies (through PPP). 

3. Sustainable contribution to European research on biological basis of persistent infections

By improving RTD capacity in animal infection models and discovery of novel anti-infectives through knowledge exchange and building lasting partnerships, TUIT will increase its involvement in related international R&D projects and raise the role of TUIT researchers as lead authors in published articles. RTD capacity and ability to participate in EU projects will be improved in infection models and drug development (WP2-WP3).

The whole network will: 1) Integrate the epidemiological infection monitoring in the Baltic region into the European context, thus directly contributing to global awareness of rising infection threats in the EU as a whole; 2) contribute to frontline research of emerging infectious diseases including studies of infectious agents, mechanisms of disease transmission and pathogenesis/latency and development of diagnostics and early control measures  3) Use a broad spectrum of infection models for both translating basic microbiology discoveries generated by TUIT into infection context, leading to identification of novel targets for development of novel antimicrobials 4) Perform high-throughput screening of large chemical libraries to identify hit compounds for development of novel antimicrobial agents, perform hit to lead compound development 5) Investigate the structure and function of macromolecules, the wiring of regulatory circuits, and the general principles underlying complex biological systems and their dynamic interactions.

4. Increasing visibility of TUIT

Visibility of TUIT’s scientific excellence and its potential as a partner equally to European academia and industry will be improved by strong dissemination and communication strategy (WP5). We will organise 2 large scale conferences, 2 joint summer schools, 2 thematic workshops, seminars and other promotional tools (project website, social networks, leaflets, presentations, etc.).

5. Provide managerial capacity building/soft skills trainings

A number of complementary skills trainings and hands-on practice at private sector will be provided for research staff in order to enhance TUIT’s capacity to translate research results into practice. Extensive cooperation is planned with university’s technology transfer office. The goal is to maximise the spill-over effect across the whole university (WP4).


The overall structure of the work plan:

The project is divided into 7 work packages (WPs) that have been structured to support achieving the project results to deliver maximum impact on the scientific excellence and contribute to the vision and long-term sustainability of the research and innovation activities of the Coordinating Legal Entity of TUIT:

WP1 is aimed at elaborating a long-term strategic development plan and involving relevant stakeholders to ensure maximum synergies with national and European Smart Specialization priorities, maximize the effect of structural funds, make sure that research and innovation resources reach critical mass.

WP2 is dedicated to increasing the research capacity of staff at TUIT in the field of bacterial infection models, viral infections and analysis methods through staff exchange, joint events and training seminars implemented in cooperation of strategic partners Umea University and University of Basel. 

WP3 is aimed at improving the RDI capacity in drug development, more precisely in screening and development of antibacterial- and antiviral compounds through staff exchange, joint events and training seminars implemented in cooperation of strategic partners.

WP4 is aimed at delivering tailored transferable soft skills fundamental training and hands-on practice at private sector to enhance the capacity and competitiveness of TUIT in order to develop towards a successful research and innovation centre.

WP5 foresees dissemination and communication activities that will support TUIT in extending its strategic partnerships and visibility among the professional community, as well as among policy-makers and the general public. MIBEst will be promoted at a number of international events and other measures/channels (website, leaflet, interviews, articles etc.) will be used.

WP6 deals with project management, to ensure smooth and timely delivery of the project’s results. This includes the establishment and work of the Advisory Board that will advise the MIBEst consortium on setting research strategy and action plan aimed at tackling current weaknesses in research excellence.

WP7 sets out the ‘Ethics Requirements’ that the MIBest project must comply with.


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