Science to business seminar “Deeptech enterpreneurship” 16.-17. february, Pühajärve puhkekeskus  programme

Seminar “Protein structure and evolution” 24. 11. 2022 Institute of technology, Nooruse 1-121

Conference “Ribosomes and antibiotics” 21.-22. june VSPA, programme

Conference “Arboviruses” 13.-14. june Tartu hotel, Tartu (hybrid format) programme
Time: Jun 13, 2022 09:30 AM Helsinki Meeting ID: 954 2578 0149 Passcode: 968662


Gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections lecture course, 21.-23. march Tartu (and online)

Winter School on anti-viral and anti-bacterial immunity, immunotherapy and vaccines (hybrid format) 15.-17. march Pühajärve puhkekeskus

Participation link:

Young researchers meeting with students in Tamme gümnaasium 29.09.2021 introduction participants

Workshop “Food and bacteria”, Researchers night 25.09.2021 participants  photo 

Training- seminar “Horizon Europe- writing and submitting proposal, financial rules and administration, project management” 12. october 2021

Seminar “Horizon Europe general conditions and possibilities in infection biology” 19. april 2021

Science communication training (WP4) 17. – 18. september and 9. october 2020

Advisory board strategy group meeting (WP1) 26. 06.2020. 

MIBEst Kick Off Meeting – Kick Off meeting schedule

The Kick Off meeting of MIBEst took place in 2.- 3rd of October 2019 at the University of Tartu Institute of Technology. The project team got to know the Institute, took part of seminars and discussed thoroughly ongoing projects and the MIBEst project.


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